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Showing posts from February, 2020

Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE)

CARE (Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education) is a support program designed to end student sexual harassment and violence at UCR. CARE unites the community and organizes programs to provide resources and assistance related to issues associated with sexual assault and violence. CARE provides a variety of different resources. On campus, CARE provides numerous confidential counseling programs designated to help students. Off campus, CARE endorses resources such as Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center (RARCC) and Alternatives to Domestic Violence (ADV).  CARE also has programs to empower students through R'Garden, Healing through Art, and yoga! These are great ways to connect with other students who care about the issues of sexual violence. If you would like more information on the services provided and how to be more involved with the CARE office, please visit .