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With 62.5% of UCR students surveyed experience food insecurity and 42% of students surveyed UC-wide experience food insecurity, this situation is very real and affects more students than you may think! Despite the variance in the degree of food insecurity per individual or household, the limited access to nutritionally adequate food poses great risk and effect on an individual's well-being and academic performance. If you or if you know someone who is facing food insecurity, read on to learn about some resources on UCR campus, organized in an effort to reduce the magnitude and combat against food insecurity.

  • R'Pantry 
    • Located at Costo Hall 110, R'Pantry is open on Tuesdays from 9 am - 12 pm and Thursdays from 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm for all students. 
    • By checking in with your UCR ID Card, you are allocated with 10 points per visit (limited to once a week), which you may choose up to 8 food items and 2 personal care items. 
      • Special items, such as fresh produce and baby food, do not require points if they are items of your consideration. 
    • For more information on the other different services R'Pantry provides, or if you would like to get involved and be a part of the R'Pantry team, visit
  • CalFresh
    • A "federally mandated, state-supervised and county-operated government program," CalFresh provides up to $194 a month to eligible students to use towards healthy, nutritious food purchases.
    • If approved to CalFresh, you'll receive an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card, which similar to a debit card. With this card, you are able to purchase most foods at various participating grocery stores in Riverside, including our own convenience stores on campus, Scotty's and the Glen Mor Market!  
    • For details on CalFresh and information to determine your eligibility, check out   
  • R'Garden 
    • Whether you have a green thumb or not, R'Garden is a great place to explore the experience of growing your own crop! Serving as a safe space for students, faculty, staff, and community members, the R'Garden was built for anyone and everyone to grow fresh produce and have the opportunity to learn "about social, environmental, and economic sustainability through a food systems approach." 
    • For more details about the R'Garden and how to sign up for your own plot, visit:
  • UCR-Food Recovery
    • Understanding how affording nutritious foods can be a struggle after financially covering tuition, books, housing, and other necessities, UCR-Food Recovery is a department on campus that provides messages about free food across campus
    • Once joined on Highlanderlink, you will receive text/email alerts throughout the day about different opportunities to obtain ready-to-eat meals, snacks, and fresh produce when various groups on campus have extra food to share.  
    • To sign-up for UCR-Food Recovery, visit:



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