Have you ever considered getting involved with research during your time in undergraduate education at UCR? Not sure where to start? Well, The Research in Science and Engineering (RISE) Program is a great door of opportunity if you are a first-year learning community students! Through this 10-week research-intensive program, you will be able to gain exposure to the research of discipline and topic of YOUR interest while receiving a stipend of $5000.
Beyond the generous amount of financial reward from the completion of this program, you will also have the opportunity to further strengthen your professional development and gain insights on different ways to further enrich your experience as an undergraduate student, as well as graduate-school related topics through program seminars. Along with this, another valuable benefit from this experience is developing a rapport and building professional relationships with a faculty member on campus, as well as with graduate students who may be working with the faculty member, individuals who you may request letters of recommendations and references from in the near future!
Check down below for testimonies from past RISE participants and what they have to say about the program:
The deadline for RISE 2020 is Friday, April 3, 2020 at 4 pm! You can receive more information about RISE and start your application here. If you have further inquiries, you can send them to cnasscholars@ucr.edu.
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