Have you completed the CNAS Scholars Learning Community and looking for opportunities to stay involved? Do you enjoy your NASC093 class or have ideas on how to improve it for freshmen in the years to come? Do you have a passion for mentorship and want to share the lessons you have gained as a CNAS student? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider applying to be a part of the CNAS Scholars Peer Mentor team ! Keep reading to find out more about the opportunity and details of the mandatory workshop! Depending on the position of the CNAS Scholars Peer Mentor team, responsibilities may slightly differ, but all of them involve the opportunity to strengthen your leadership skills and interpersonal skills . Through the participation in presenting workshops and leading discussions for NASC093 first-year seminars , as well as one-on-one mentor meetings, you can voice your undergraduate experience and share your stories to better help first-year students...